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The Smudge Sticks that we offer on our site are bundles of herbs – white sage, lavender, or Yerba Santo – bound together by twine.

Burning these herbs in order to prevent illness, ward off negative energy, or cleanse a space, person or group is a tradition that goes back thousands of years. Native Americans used sage and sweetgrass in ceremonies. Plants have been used for their healing properties across many cultures since the beginning of time.

When you smudge, you’re participating in a sacred, ancient ritual.

Inhaling these scents, it’s easier to tune into your own subtle energy and the energy of the space you’re in. For most people, the scent of smudge sticks is calming on a soul level.

Use this form of aromatherapy to reduce stress, balance your energy, and cleanse your home. Burning smudge sticks also help create a spiritual atmosphere for your yoga or meditation practice.